Pregnant Mum With Congenital Heart Disease


Madam Loo Keat Kheng was 32 years old but she was a unique patient in that she was diagnosed with congenital heart disease.

She came to see me in 2010 and told me she had had a previous ectopic pregnancy. She wanted my advice as she had conceived again but was highly worried for her 6-week old pregnancy.

As this was a high risk pregnancy (with the pregnant mum having congenital heart disease), I worked closely with a consultant cardiologist to monitor Madam Loo’s pregnancy week by week.

She also suffered from excessive vomitting and nausea which we had to admit her into the hospital for observation and monitoring.

At 39 weeks, she went into spontaneous labour but we were happy to note that her baby was healthy at 3.8kg.

Despite the earlier problems, Madam Loo was well enough to go home with her baby on the 3rd day.

She is still closely monitored by my colleague, the cardiologist, but she is doing well.