Causes of Male Infertility

The definition of infertility in a couple is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy despite one year of frequent and unprotected intercourse.

The distribution of male and female causes of infertility has not been well defined.

However, some studies have quoted, 20 percent of cases were attributed to male factors, 38 percent were attributed to female factors, 27 percent had causal factors identified in both partners, and 15 percent could not be satisfactorily attributed to either partner.

Recent reports have shown increasing incidence of declining sperm counts as well as increasing incidence of urogenital abnormalities and testicular cancer in some regions of the world. Epidemiology studies suggest that fertility rates are lower in men over age 40.

While many men with male infertility have a decrease in number of sperm cells in the ejaculate, or no sperm cells in the ejaculate, some infertile men have normal sperm counts.

Over 80 percent of men with infertility have low sperm concentrations associated with a decrease in sperm motility. Others may have a decrease in sperm motility and abnormal sperm morphology.

What if the seminal analysis is abnormal?

A semen analysis, which is a non-invasive test that evaluates semen and sperm health, should be done before any treatments (even clomid) are tried.
One abnormal results doesn’t mean male infertility.

The semen analysis can be affected by recent illness/flu, anxiety/stress at work. The Seminal Analysis has to be repeated to confirm the results, to see if the abnormal results repeat.

Tips to help increase sperm counts
  • Avoiding toxic chemicals at workplace/home. (Pesticides, paint, varnish etc.)
  • Avoid hot showers , hot long baths, steam/sauna. (Don’t sit with laptops on your thighs!)
  • Stop smoking
  • Increase anti-oxidants in your diet. (Increase intake of zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folic acid, selenium)
  • Maintain healthy weight (obese men have low sperm count)
  • Reduce alcohol intake (excessive drinking reduces sperm count and movement)
  • Reduce soy intake (The study found men who ate high amounts of soy had lower sperm counts than men who did not)
  • Have frequent intercourse (Have intercourse every other day during the fertile period)